The first lesson for Discovery Time class this fall is found in Mark 6:31-34 where some very tired disciples meet back with Jesus to tell him all they had done. Jesus notices how tired they are and says, “Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”. So away they go with Jesus on a boat, but many follow. It seems the people were hungry for more of what they heard from the group earlier on in the chapter. They must have liked what they heard. Enough to “run on foot” as verse 33 says, to get ahead of them.

What was it they desired so?

What did they think Jesus had for them that would cause them to run after him?

When Jesus landed, verse 34 says. He saw a large crowd; he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. The word for compassion in Greek is splagchnizomai, defined as a feeling of sympathy & pity, to have the bowels yearn. Hmm… It sounds like Jesus really saw the people. Not just a crowd, but the expression on their faces, he saw the desperation in their hearts and it moved him deeply to want to keep teaching them. Filling them with the living water of the Word they were so thirsty for.

Do you know that Jesus sees you too?

The real you inside and he is moved with compassion toward you too. He sees the hurt, the hang-ups, the pain and disappointment and he doesn’t want to leave you that way. He wants to spend time teaching you too. The people responded to his teachings. His words impacted them greatly & they wanted to know him more as a result.

Did you know that Shepherd in Greek means Pastor?

Jesus is the real deal. He cared for those people and he cares for you. They were looking for Jesus to show them the way and he didn’t disappoint. Verse 34 says, “he began teaching them many things.”  Spiritual truths that feed their hungry souls and thirsty hearts.

You don’t need to feel sad & alone. Young or old. Age doesn’t matter to him. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me & do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Call for a Discovery Time class in a school near you!

Laura Lawrence
Discovery Time Director

Laura Lawrence