Names are important. Often people are curious what they mean, find out then sometimes say, “He lives up to his name.” One of the names for the Lord is Wonderful Counsellor from Isaiah 9. Wonderful because He is the Creator of everything wonderful & counsellor because He guides, listens & instructs. The hand of the Lord is upon Isaiah as he prophecies of the coming Messiah. The people walking in darkness have seen a great light: on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. I love this imagery of light shining in the darkness, bringing with it clarity, understanding & hope in dark times. He goes on to say he will be called “Wonderful Counselor.” One who will shed light in all our situations.

Take Job for instance. A man in the Bible who was described as blameless and upright he feared God and shunned evil. He loved the Creator with all His heart & would not speak against Him even after tremendous suffering & loosing everything & all that was dear to him. Instead, Job chooses to reflect on the power & majesty of Elohim-God in Hebrew, the One who established the wind & measured the waters & declares, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding -28:23. (Proverbs 2:6, Daniel 2:20) In the end he is healed & receives more than he had before. What a trial for him to go through but he knew who to focus on to get through it. The One who possesses wisdom & understanding. He trusted in the Lord, and his response directed his outcome.  

God uses setbacks to propel you forward. If you think you are in a situation that makes you feel stuck, hopeless, or defeated then ask yourself what you are focusing on. Are you turning toward the light, toward your Wonderful Counsellor? Letting Him illuminate the areas of your heart that need examining so that He can ready you for this next season? What other counsellor could know you more? Focus on the One who put the stars in place & formed your inward parts. This set back may be necessary so He can get your attention, lavishly love you and propel you to fly. Thank God He is at work in your midst today.

Bring a message of hope to the children in your neighborhood - Start a Bible Club in a school near you = )

Discovery Time Director, Laura Lawrence

Laura Lawrence